
It’s with great joy and gratitude that I welcome you to my site and share with you the work I do. It’s my goal to help you connect fully with your soul’s wisdom and help you trust your inner voice, so your higher self and Angels can guide you in overcoming any of life’s challenges. By listening to your Angels and inner voice, you can heal and manifest the life you were meant to live. It just takes courage. I look forward to connecting with you through this web site and through workshops & online classes.

It’s an honor to share this journey with you!


Please contact Tricia at triciagalligan@outlook.com; Phone: (610) 496-1722. Our regular telephone office hours are 9:00AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. (EST)

Energy Healing

The profound healing effects of Energy Healing have been experienced by millions.

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Intuitive Grief Coaching

Intuitive Grief Coaching is available as a one-on-one session, by Phone, or Skype.

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